click on the corresponding numbers in the post below to be linked directly to items seen above
1. My mom always says- "drink some hot water with lemon and honey!" It's great for a sore throat, or just to give you a boost. I drink this on an empty stomach (first thing in the morning) to help hydrate and cleanse my digestive system. It's a great start to my day.
2. Yoga / Meditate. A little yoga goes a long way in my life. I don't get to "take a minute" when my kids are awake, with them it's always go, go, go! I find that doing yoga in the mornings helps to set the tone for my day. It's a great way to mediate and clear my mind. I've had the same app on my phone since DC was born, and I'm so glad I found it. I can pick what level and what kind of yoga I do, and do it in my flannel PJ's. Its fabulous.
3. Breakfast time. I'm a total creature of habit and could have the same thing for breakfast every single day and be totally fine with it. Currently my go to is a fruit parfait.
4. Hydrate! I fill a bottle with ice (or get myself a Starbucks Venti ice water) and nurse that sucker all day! I refill and repeat y'all!
5. Feed the kids. They're up and hungry. The way my kids eat in the morning, the entire contents of my fridge are gone within an hour of them waking. Three eggs, toast, fruit parfait, oatmeal... the list goes on for them, and those dishes don't wash themselves! Where's Beauty and the Beast's talking washing dishes when I need them?
6. Emails. They eat, mommy does emails, and works for like 20 minutes, or however long it takes for them to tell me they're hungry again!
7. Workout time. There are so many different workout apps! I can tighten my gluts, or work on my core, but one thing I need to do is something that gets my heart rate going. Gotta do some cardio to keep my love handles in check! I do a 15-30 minute workout, and DC tries to keep up. It's kinda cute, he's really just dancing haha. It even wears him out for his nap... mom hack!
7b. Get everyone cleaned up, changed, and ready for the day.
8. Reading time. I read them all the books they'll let me read util they want to play. Next, we play a million different games. Then, once they go down for their nap, momma gets in a few chapters of my new favorite book!
Lastly, it's afternoon, and our morning has flown by! It's after naptime that I'm all, crap it's only 1? Daddy home yet?
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