Dec 7, 2016

What's Cookin' With Bravado Design

Remember how we talked about nursing bras making me feel like an ol' granny until I found Bravado Designs? Well, ladies, oops I did it again! 

I got their Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra, and it's on like Donkey Kong. I feel like I have got my sexy momma groove back, and at the same time I'm a Barbie wannabe. Sure, my boobs will never be the same because that's just what nursing does, but who cares, I feel sexy again! 

We don't all have to feel like we got put through the ringer after having kids. We can feel beautiful and feminine again, we just have to find things, be it bras or what have you, that evoke those feelings within us. 

I would say a good nursing bra is worth more than a good pair of shoes any day. With the right "support" you can get that "pick me up" you need! Pun intended. I made a funny, or at least I think I did.

So, strap on this easy access bra, pop some dinner in the Crockpot, and ask your husband to take some pictures of you... I mean that's what I did here, and the looks he gave me from behind that camera... rawr! Though, it could just have been because he was hungry and the food smelled good. Either way, I'm making momma, baby, and the Mister happy with this one.


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