The weather is doing something crazy, though I shouldn't be complaining. I have been begging my main dude to move us to San Diego ever since our visit there almost three years ago. The weather there is the best. 60's to 70's most of the year. Sunny and bright too. I mean it's just my perfect place to live, and in some odd way, Michigan has turned itself from the second greyest place in the nation to a make-believe San Diego! What is this world we live in? The weather is on the fritz ya'll, which is poopie for the crops, but lovely for us Michigan Measoms! We'll take it.
With the weather being so glorious, we have been able to explore a bit longer this fall than we usually can. We loaded up our new City Tour from Baby Jogger and headed to one of our favorite places, Ann Arbor. If you haven't already visited there, you need to make the trek. That college town has so much spunk. The university is gorgeous, the food is never a letdown, and there are some fun farms and nature trials to enjoy. There's a little something for everyone.
Aida Mae is old enough now that being out and about doesn't always mean having a poopie blowout. I've gotten braver as she's aged up, and having our City Tour has been the greatest. It folds up to be itty bitty and is lightweight. That combo means it's what I use for all our adventures without daddy. He's the muscle, and since I'm lacking in that department, I go for the compact, could even be stored as a carry-on, kinda stroller. Be sure to head to the @BabyJogger Instagram page for the full Best Places to Stroll Guide and to see where your City Tour can take you!
Leave a comment down below about some of your favorite places to travel with your kiddos or share on Instagram with #HowIStroll. We are always looking for some recommendations, even fun places for our next trip!
in partnership with Baby Jogger.
You guys are so darn cute!