Oct 5, 2016

Paw Patrol Toys For Days

My son is all about four-legged fur babies. He loves the one we have, and begs for "a new dog" almost daily. Whenever we are around other peoples' dogs, he drops everything and follows them around. When we got Zoomer Marshall, this robotic dog on wheels, he did the very same thing. He forgot about all the toys that lined his play room, and followed this toy as it wheeled itself around our house. He would shout with excitement, "Momma, he's coming to me! Look Momma! Look! Good boy Zoomer!" We love that he can make so many different sounds. 150 sounds later, and even I'm still in awe!

Later, we introduced him to the Paw Patrol track you can find at Toys R Us, and he was in heaven. I was talking to my mother-in-law about how much he loved his new toys, and she replied, "Why didn't you save them for Christmas?!" My response being, "I just couldn't wait! I was so excited!" #Whoops #MommaFail or is that really just a #MommaWin? Either way, we have both been playing with these together nonstop. They would have made fabulous Christmas gifts, but sometimes you just have to reward your kiddo for being so friggin' awesome, right? 

Sponsored by Nick Jr.

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