Mar 3, 2016

Copper Pearl

skirt- nordstom (on sale almost 1/2 off)  // shirt- norstrom // shoes- ℅ lotta stockholm // carseat cover- ℅ copper pearl // bag- ℅ fawn design // photos by nmb photographs

I am all about keeping the germs as far away from my kiddos as possible. With it being cold and flu season, those suckers seem to be lurking around everywhere. To make sure Sister doesn't catch anything (because a newborn being sick is beyond tragic), we keep her covered in her carseat. This carseat cover by Copper Pearl is in my favorite print… can you tell I love stripes? I can honestly say half my closet is stripes, but I digress.

I also use this carseat cover to keep me covered one hundro percent while nursing in public, and I put it over our cart when we push DC in it. I don't even want to think about the number of people who have touched those carts. Talk about germ infestation!

So, if you're a germ freak like me, Copper Pearl all the way. After all, there are no sick days for mommas, and if your baby gets the flu you'll probably get the flu and that would be #miserable!

Stay healthy my friends, and don't forget to subscribe to our emails in the top right sidebar!

thank you copper pearl for sponsoring this post

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