^^ this was before i iced it, and before i knew it we were digging our forks in!
If you know the Mister & I personally, then you know that one of the reasons we are such a great pair is because I do the cooking, and he does the baking. When we first started dating, I told him what an awful baker I was. To a man with a giant sweet tooth, thankfully that wasn't a deal breaker because he can bake with the best of them.
I, on the other hand, am still slowly developing my baking abilities. For that very reason, when Cake in a Crate reached out to us I was thrilled. Finally, a solution to one of my shortcomings. Everything I needed to make a vegan + gluten free cake from scratch. Yes, please and thank you! I mean, talk about upping my wife skills for my man! Cake from friggin' scratch?! Who am I?!
It is the coolest! A box showed up on my doorstep, with all the ingredients portioned out into the cutest little glass jars and brown paper bags. There was a recipe card, telling me how to make the cake, what quantities were in each container, and even a picture of what it would look like.
It was the simplest to follow, and impossible to screw up #ohyeah. This was the first dessert all three of us chowed! DC is very picky about his sweets… oddly. He loves food, not picky at all there, but sweets meh... not really his thing. Then came this cake, and "more" became his word of the hour.
Anyways, I digress #momprobs, if you are looking for a fun indoor activity to do with your babies this winter, because no one likes to go stir crazy, order a Cake in a Crate and fill that wintery home right up with the sweetest smell your nose has ever smelt, and naturally your tum with the best chocolaty goodness there is. #worthit
* in partnership with Cake in a Crate *
OMG I have to try this. New Mom's need fun and easy projects :)