Sep 21, 2015

Savory Crescent Rolls

When we were in Utah, we got to visit my in-laws, and I was able to spend some quality time with my mother-in-law & her recipe box... she even pulled out my husband's favorites for me to write down. Not so surprisingly this recipe was one of them. I put my own spin on it, and I am 99.9% sure they are still his favorite. I know I sure do love them! They are so dang good, & perfect for the colder weather. Cheers!
What you'll need ...
3 oz cream cheese
3 tbs butter
2 cups cooked and cubed chicken
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
2 tbs milk
1 tbs diced onions
1 roll pillsbury rolls 
bread crumbs for dusting rolls

What you'll do ...
cook & dice chicken. i usually season it with some goya adobo.

mix cream cheese + butter + salt + pepper +milk with electric mixer until smooth (this tip is great for when i've forgotten to let it soften, plus i love any excuse to use my kitchenaid).

add your chicken & onions (uncooked onions are best) to your cream cheese mixture, folding it in throughly. 

take two crescent rolls & make a square with them. put your chicken filling inside the square and fold up the corners.

sprinkle with bread crumbs.

cook at 350F for 20-25 minutes. 

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