Apr 22, 2015

Toddler Tantrums and Bloke Body?!

The past few weeks have been full of packing way too many boxes, an excessive amount of cleaning, severe anxiety, eating both out and also in the car, and some very exciting news.

Monday, however, was the best Monday there ever was. #april202015 I released my first ever eBook, and thanks to all of you it has been a huge success. I am so honored and blessed to have made such amazing connections with each and everyone of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you missed it, you can read more about it here and purchase it here

We have also officially hit the terrible tantrum throwing stage of toddlerhood. You guys, I can't even. I am starting to feel like he throws more tantrums than not. Those kinds of days are the hardest. To help keep me in a patient state of mind I do have to say that sitting on the floor with my screaming + kicking son in my lap, and mediating "om" reminds me he is a treasure. He might be a screaming, kicking, occasionally selfish, demanding little bean of boy, but he is my gift from God, and one that should always be treated like the heavenly prince that he is.

I'm not saying it is easy, that it's all rainbows and daisies 'round here, or that I am always able to maintain my composure in the turmoil that is a tantrum from the DC himself, but I am saying I am constantly trying to remember his value to me.

Anyways, where am I going with all of this and how does it have anything to do with the absurd pictures seen above? You guys, after a long tantrum throwing kind of day, I give myself a hair treatment, and a scrub from Bloke Body, and I just let myself recharge. I put some Pretty Little Liars on my phone, maybe read a good book, and just zone out. It saves me, and just like I am replenishing my bod with Bloke Bod, I also get to replenish my mind and soul. Oh, how a momma needs such things. A good ol' replenishing never hurt no momma I know.

So to you all I say cheers, and thank you for helping me make my dreams come true!


* this post is sponsored by bloke body. thank you for reading our blog +  supporting our sponsors who help support our family.


  1. Congratulations on your E-book! I purchased it and love it! As a new blogger myself your tips were SO helpful and practical. Thanks for sharing your insight!


  2. congrats! I will have to check it out :)


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