Apr 28, 2015

My Momma said they'd be days like this

>>shop this look <<
(clip below to be linked to similar + the same items seen above) 

Being pregnant and then giving birth to DC, I felt like I was in this fashion limbo. He nursed all the time, basically all day, everyday for about 19 months. He never took a single bottle because he is a stubborn little mister. Of course, he ate food and what not, but nursing was his pacifier, it was his blankie, and it was his Tylenol. It was his go to for pretty much any situation where he felt overwhelmed or uncomfortable. Not that I was complaining... I mean I loved that he needed me just as much as I needed him, but it kind of slapped a handicap on me. I couldn't really detach myself from the role of a mother because nursing was all I did. I wasn't me, I was his, if that makes any sense at all. Dressing myself was just as much a task as soul searching was. I was limited to button ups and zip ups. Anything that could have my lady lumps out in a flash.

Now that we are off that train of all day er' day nursing, I finally feel like I am able to refocus on myself. I've found my new sense of style almost three years later. I have gravitated towards a few things- hats, straight hair, half top-knots, hot pink lipstick, and stripes. That's basically me in a nutshell right now. I am okay with that. As a matter of fact I love it. It's my uniform, and that makes getting dressed way easier in the mornings.

Cheers to finding yourself in whatever role or stage of life you're in. Like the great Carrie Bradshaw once said, "The most important relationship a woman will ever have, is the one she will be in with herself." Or something like that. xo


  1. oh my this is such a great outfit, casual but yet so stylish!!

  2. dude i hear ya on the nursing thing. mine never took a binkie or a bottle or anything either...i was his pacifier. we just quit nursing this week and i'm real sad about it but a little relieved as well! and now i need a wardrobe facelift.....


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