Jan 14, 2015

Apples to Apples

Hormones. They just make me something ridiculous. They come in full force and before I know it (between them and the cramping) I'm a big ball of tears and sensitivity.

I don't think this much fragility is good for any relationship, let alone a husband, wife, and baby.. oh wait, he's a toddler (insert hormonal crying here). 

What is it about a period that just makes me literally a walking water fountain? Everything hurts my feelings, and my whole body is as sore as the day I ran my first training for a marathon! I get pimples, headaches, mood swings, and become Sleeping Beauty.

Being patient and understanding is a difficult task as a stay at home mom. I am constantly trying to be the very best version of myself, but when my monthly visitor comes around, I feel like I am the opposite. When my son cries I bust into tears too. #keepittogethermomma

Do any of you feel like that? I might be the only one who turns wacko, but it literally sucks the life out of me. All I want to do is eat chocolate, watch Kate Hudson 90's movies and cry. Not to mention all the cramp medicine I need to survive. It is a terrible misery having lady parts situation that one time a month, every month, until your ovaries dry up and you literally start growing a mustache. #noshavenovember What's that about man upstairs? I hope that apple was the best freakin' apple you ever ate Eve because this whole "flow" is so not my jam.

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  1. You aren't alone. There is nothing worse than being in agony and then on TOP OF THAT feeling like you're losing your mind and on the verge of tears all at the same time. And just as magically (or manically as my autocorrect just tried to suggest - the irony), it's gone. I too share those thoughts with Eve. But it's good to know there are others in our boat. Sometimes it seems like when we're at our worst we only bump into the girls who never bloat, have never been hormonally held captive in their life and don't cramp. Consider yourself known by a kindered spirit. Good luck to you! Say hello to Kate for me, let her know I'll be seeing her next week.

    1. Lindsay,

      Your first sentences explains perfectly have I feel! Ha, I love it! Nice to know I am not alone!


      mrs measom

  2. Do you use essential oils? dōTERRA makes a blend called Clary Calm that works wonders on balancing female hormones!

    1. Erin,

      I am going to have to try this next month! I will let you know how it works!

      xo & thank you again lifesaver,

      mrs measom

  3. Oh girl I feel you. Although I know I can thank my lucky stars for only having my period a handful of times over the past few years, my hormones going up and down and doing flips is legitttt. :| :D :'( (did those symbols make sense? Haha;) Thank goodness for forgiving little ones and patient husbands. And cute flannel dresses! :) XO

    1. Haley,

      I love that you said thank goodness for flannel dresses! You really are my soul sister! You are such a dang sweetie.

      Thank you for your love!


      mrs measom

  4. Oh girl, I dig! You took the words out of my mouth.


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