Jul 23, 2014

What does organic really mean?

dress target (on sale, so hurry!) //  shoes converse // stroller bugaboo

written by Brenna Thompson-

Mrs. Measom and I were chatting about how it’s “trendy” to call something “natural” and “green” then you look at the label and it says (insert long, unpronouncable, chemical & toxic sounding name with like 800 syllables here). These are the kinds of things that have made me a complete skeptic of everything I buy or eat. After it came out that Subway and Burger King were using a known cancer causing carcinogen in their breads, I felt the need to evaluate not only the things I am using on my body and putting in my body, but also the lifestyle I choose to lead by using harmful chemical products. 

Just because a company uses the word natural, doesn’t mean they’re natural at all, just look at the labels. Even the vegan, non animal tested, made in America Nature’s Gate shampoo and conditioner I use still has loads of “plant extracts” that don’t sound like they come from anything natural at all. 

Now let’s take the store Lush, for example. Pricey, yes. But legible and healthy,…well, as good as it gets I think. Everything from their Fresh Face Masks (so fresh, they need refrigeration) to their Edible Sugar Lip Scrubs are made from natural essentials and butters and fruits. Let’s also evaluate Dr. Bronner’s Organic Castile Oil Soaps — yes there are some chemical names, but this is a Rainforest Alliance, Organic Certified product that is made without dyes out of oils. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

What I’m not talking about however, are “organic” fruits and veggies. Yes, they are organically grown without pesticides or chemicals, but once they’re picked they are sprayed down with the same ripening agents and preservatives as all the others. I’m not saying don’t live your lives here people, even I love me some french fries and as you well know cake and s’mores. What I’m saying is be cautious of the choices you are making for your health and well being, because those choices affect not only you, but your families, and the environment we al share on the only earth we have. Be skeptical, read ingredients. Do we really need “vitamin enriched”, chemical laden King Arthur Flour, or is the Hodgson Mills Unbleached Flour containing only ground wheat sufficient and healthy enough?

b thomps


  1. yes so important what you put in and on your body! I'm kinda a health freak….. haha
    love your outfit by the way, must get myself those converse!

  2. Totally feel the same way !! People make fun at me for taking the time to read labels at the grocery store but I can't help myself !! Btw love how your outfit matches your stroller perfectly !!



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