Oct 13, 2013

Jump for Joy

In all the very best ways this weekend has been so sweet. After a small hike, amazing pizza, an even better slice of cake, some one pot pasta, daddy son reading, dancing in the rain, and one particularly amazing baby blessing, this weekend has reminded me how blessed I truly am. I love the bond that my son and husband have. That unmistakable dotting father to son love, swirled together with total admiration from son to papa, and then a dash of giggles and smiles that would make any mother run to grab her camera. I swear these days I feel like a total paparazzi, snapping shots of my two boys, filming as nonchalantly as one can to capture the rawest and sweetest moments that seem to make everyday beyond worth while.  

I love these two more then words can explain, and seeing them in the mountains together all snuggled up close (papa baby wearing in the #ergo), and the leaves that perfect hue I waited all year for . . . welp, it makes me jump for joy . . . quite literally here peeps.

Oh sweet baby boy, you bring so much joy into our family, and even more love and warmth into your mama's heart. 


  1. I just found your blog and am glad I did! Your pictures are so pretty and I love the outfit ideas :)

  2. @ Rachel,

    I am so glad you did! You're comment came on a day I needed it most, been feeling slightly bogged today, so thank you! You're amazing.



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