Oct 6, 2013

Allergies in the fall?

There must be some sort of cosmic twist in the universe because I have neverrr had allergies in the fall. Sneezing a load lately, I should have noticed something bad was well on its way. On Saturday morning I woke up for #LDSconference sicker then I remember being with any sore throat ever. My poor son must have caught the same wave (sneezing just as must as me, pre morning of the sore throat), and together him and I have been fussy and whining, sleeping and cuddling more then ever before. It broke my heart to see him so bothered and uncomfortable. He never really fusses over anything, and especially not pain. Strong little man! These allergies really took him for a loop. How could they not? They even kicked my can! All I wanted to do was hold him, cuddle him, nurse him, and repeat. Oh, and by golly I sure did! Not one minute could I bear to put him down. So when it came time to tinkle, the Mister took over the cuddling shift. My poor baby! Lucky Mister! He might not have been sick, but with the both Baby and Momma sick as dogs, he sure did have his hands full. Shout out to the rock star of a husband I've got! 

Our weekend was full of . . . Red Box, LDS conference, veggie noodle soup, hot cocoa, walks, Dr. Pepper, some Levis shopping (if you pay close attention to the pictures above you'll notice that the Mister and I are both wearing our Levis. Twinsies), and a boat load of cuddling. We watched the "The Great Gatsby" and "MUD," both of which are the sort of movies I would say are meant for a certain "acquired taste," but the Mister and I enjoyed each flick all the same. The home cooking all weekend long really hit the spot, along with a swig of the good old American classic Dr.Pepper. Oh Doc, how you never seem to fail me.

The pictures of the veggies and fruit are from a farmer's market we visited a few weekends ago, because after all Saturday's are best while spent supporting #local farmers, #smallbusinesses, and enjoying #cleaneating! So come one, come all to your local farmer's market nearest you!

Well that's about all we did 'round here, and man was it was swell. 

Hashtag - I blog and edit photos while my baby and husband sleep.
Hashtag - At 12 AM in the life of a mommy and wife.
Hashtag - My hashtags are too long to be actual #s!

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