Feb 6, 2023

Monday Round Up

This weekend was a great one. It was chill, but sometimes we need a chill weekend to get our hearts and minds into balance. I took the kids to Target Saturday morning so they wouldn't wake up Mister. He wasn't feeling so great, so I figured he could use a little sleeping in.

Y'all, it has been a rough winter. It seems everyone is taking turns being sick. Round and round we go, week after freaking week with someone falling ill. I've been so worried about SJ catching all the sickies we've had, and being cooped up to stay away from those sicknesses doesn't help either. Its been a lot, but it seems (God willing) we are all on the mend and heading into spring. I cannot freaking wait!

crumbl has some good flavors this week. They have a butter cake and chocolate cake flavor. Yum! 

One of my favorite things to do after the kids are asleep for the night, is to sit with Mister. We crack open a treat and watch American Auto. That show cracks me up! Love the simple moments with my man. They fill my love tank right the freak up!

I am currently craving a "Dirty Dr. Pepper" from Swig. Swig, why you gotta be so far? Though, maybe that's for the better. Gotta get my figure back postpartum, ha.

I cannot believe how fast my sweet SJ is growing up. Time needs to slow down.

Watching SJ with Aida Mae is precious. She can make him laugh and smile like no one else.

DC is the best big brother and runs to SJ as soon as he makes a peep. DC sweeps him up into his arms and says, "What is it, baby? I've got you!" My heart freaking melts every time, sis!

Ah, Valentine day is around the corner. We are planning a sweet at home date, and there will be Pho had! What are your plans for the special day?

Is it me or does most of this post revolve around food? Nursing does me dirty, y'all. All I want to do when I nurse is eat all the freaking things.


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