Jan 26, 2022

Organizing, Decluttering, and Sharing My Faves

This post is sponsored by Walmart.

Once Christmas is over, I'm always ready for a closet clean out and refresh. A new year means I do lots of organizing, decluttering, and being more intentional with what I buy. 

While taking stock of clothing I have vs. what I actually put on, I found I've been wearing more casual outfits.

I've been reaching for sweats, sweaters, long jackets, and oversized scarves.

The best part? My most reached for items are all at Walmart. If you have a Walmart+ membership these items and others can be delivered straight to your door with free shipping. No order minimum (Excludes most Marketplace items, location, & freight surcharges). 

I've linked some of my favorites from Walmart below. Be forewarned they're so good! I found the chicest cream turtleneck and my favorite mug! 

Here's to a closest refresh while sipping some hot cocoa and free shipping no minimum from Walmart. Sign up for Walmart+ today!

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