Oct 6, 2021

If you..

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if you have a goal, go after it. give it your all. reach for it. i'm cheering you on.

if you're struggling, and feel lost, empty, or alone remember you're not. god has got you. he is constantly reaching his hand out to you waiting for you to take hold.

if you feel overwhelmed, talk to someone who will listen. 

community during trials is powerful. it breaks you free from one of the biggest tools the adversary whispers into our ears. he tries to make you feel alone or as if no one understands, but you're never alone. jesus and god know you inside out, they want you to overcome and succeed. they have put people in your life to help you through. give those people the opportunity to serve and help you as they were meant to.

if you're trying to make a big decision, bring it to god. talk to him about your feelings and concerns. make the decision, and then ask him to confirm it. 

there's a lot going on in this world, and i feel called to speak on god's power. 

darkness in this world is nothing new. since the beginning of time the world has been full of good and evil, and through it all people have always found joy. 

we are meant to feel happiness, not just sadness or fear. 

look for the good, and don't fall into the trap of fear. for fear is not from god. 

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