Sep 10, 2021

Friday Fun Day

shorts // sweater // shoes (similar) // mug

we're having a hot date night. guess i better change out of my sweater, huh?

a friend of mine wanted me to buy this bodysuit for my date night look. i should have. it is smokin', baby!

my husband's big blue eyes have been twinkling extra blue these days. must be his sexy tan.

the kids seem to be growing up faster than ever. i can't believe how big they are.

college football is back on. it's the only time where 22 men can distract my husband. they do such a good job that he doesn't even notice if i sneak a few online shopping orders into my closet. #GoTeam

i just ate taco bell. i feel like i'm going to regret that choice real fast. 

our guest bedroom finally has a bed in it. i think i might need to take a power nap real quick before tonight's festivities...

happy friday, y'all!

pictures taken by madi morrison

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