Sep 25, 2015


I might not be what some would call a cool mom. It is what it is folks. As a matter of fact, I am about 99.9 percent sure my daughter will see these pictures of me in my hat + leather jacket and say "wtf mom." Whoa nelly that will be a real tizzy. If she is half of me that is to be expected though.

Sometimes people refer to traveling the world like it is the only thing to live for. It baffles me. "Oh, we can't have kids yet. We haven't traveled." Really? Is that really your excuse for not doing the most natural thing your body was designed to do? Well crap dude, I must have lost my passport because I skipped the traveling thing and went straight to the dang baby making. Call me crazy!

This pregnancy has made sitting a real piece. I never understand the phrase "sitting on your butt," until baby girl gave my tailbone some serious misalignment. #paininmybutt and she ain't even here yet ma friend.

DC has decided he can now talk in complete sentences, and call me and my gassy self out all the time. "You burped mommy?" Or if I should heaven forbid toot... "I heard that momma." I laughed so hard I cried the first time he said that last one.

So to sum up today's post, and make a lesson out of it, kids are a real blessing but sometimes they make ya nuts. It is what it is folks, and I wouldn't have it any other friggin' way. The moment he kisses me and demands I cuddle him, I can't help but think, "what was life before him?" #truelove


  1. This post right here (among others) is one of the reasons why I love following along with you on this crazy ride we call parenting. You are unabashedly honest in the social media world we live in now and that is so admirable. Thanks for keepin' it real!

    1. Chantel,

      Thank you so much for being so supportive, and leaving so much love. I think being honest and open about motherhood is such a beautiful thing. It makes us stronger, better, and more aware of the miracle it is truly is...even when we are in the trenches.

      I could just squeeze you right now because your comment was that little spirit lifter I needed today. Thank you sweet friend. Thank you!


  2. This one left me with a big cheesy grin on my face. Couldn't be more spot on to the truth. Guess that's why you call it Truthful Friday. XO PS- you are looking fantastic, mama!

    1. Kelly Ann,

      Your comment lift a huge smile on my face! Thank you so much for your love! I mean we all toot am I right? ;)

      Happy week to you, all my love!



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