Sep 13, 2015

Pregnancy Curves & Weight Gain

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Naturally curves arrive at some point in a woman's life. I was a late bloomer, and even into my early adult life, curves never seemed to be my body's thing, until I got pregnant with DC. 

My diet didn't change, but my body did. No matter what I ate the pounds found their way onto my ever growing body. My pregnancy hormones started cheering "b-a-b-y, make this lady's flat chest say buh-bye!" 

With the pleasant new lumps, came the not so pleasant bumps or rolls. It is a struggle accepting my body and all of its changes durning pregnancy. In such a short period of time my body takes a huge turn, and I just have to go along for the ride. 

Pregnancy gives me the most valuable possessions I will ever have. It gave me one beautiful boy, and will give me (very soon here) a darling little girl. It might give me stretch marks, dark circles, permanent under eye bags, lumps, humps, curves, and more weight than I ever thought would find me, but gosh dangit people I'm not perfect. I am a real woman, a mother, a wife, and those are the things that make me who I am. Not a scale. Not a size on a dress tag. It is the things I do that matter most, not the rolls I think I've got on my friggin' back. Cheers mommas! Here is to loving everything that motherhood makes us because I think it makes us pretty friggin' awesome. 


  1. I adore your honesty!!! With IVF, and a whole lot of issues in conceiving and staying preggo I also gained a ton and quite honestly as we fight the infertility battle again (hoping for a #2) I find myself reminding myself that the pounds are well worth the end result. Send you hugs my friend!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I adore you, and all the love you leave around these parts. I am so sorry about your journey with pregnancy, and I so badly wish I could just hug you. Maybe a Starbucks date if that miracle could ever come to pass!

      I think it is so shameful of society to bash pregnant women, and our growing bods. We should all do better to love and support one another through the journey of creating human life! What a blessing it is.

      All my love to you sweet Natalie,

      mrs. measom

  2. This is so lovely and I just adore you. Motherhood definitely brings many unexpected body changes, but oh boy is it worth it! Although I think you look like one hot mama!

    1. Sierra,

      I adore you and your stylish self right back! You looked amazing! I highly doubt pregnancy does not flatter you!




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