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c/o cardigan // shoes // bf jeans on sale for 24.99 now // sweater // c/o bracelet (20 % off with the code "love")
Friday night, we got a sitter and drove an hour out to our favorite town. We chowed on the best Cuban burgers in the whole stinking land, and my husband and I chatted under the shadows of a candle lit little hole in the wall.
Before we left for our date, however, my main squeeze showed up with a bouquet of hydrangeas and yellow/orange gerber daisies- he knows I love sunflowers, but they aren't in season, so he snagged the next best thing. He also brought home some Dr. Pepper and my favorite dark chocolates. The combination of those three things made my heart melt. What a dreamboat. I am so blessed to have my best friend as my life mate..what a lucky duck I am.
Anyways, we picked up our little guppy after our romantic meal, and once he was carefully slipped into his crib for the night, we turned on the newest episode of Scandal and life seemed to be just as I had always hoped. It was so comfortable, so full of love, and so abundantly simple that I could see how truly blessed we both are to have found each other.
Happy love day to y'all! To celebrate my love for you I have teamed up with Freshly Picked Moccs, to give away one pair of their shoes. To enter, please subscribe to my bloglovin' on the top left sidebar, and leave a comment on this post about your Valentine's Day. Can't wait to read them all. Oh, and the winner will be announced tomorrow!
We celebrated last night (Friday) because my love had to work today unfortunately. But we chowed down on Poutines (fries, gravy & cheese curds) and watched some shows with our little dude, wyatt. And when he went to bed we opened up some ice cream and watched a movie or 2 :)
ReplyDeleteSo far v day has been spent with the pups BUT once the hubs gets off work he's taking my big pregnant butt to our favorite duce bar a half hour away to get the French fries I've been craving for weeks. Nothing better in my mind.
ReplyDeleteEveryday feels like Valentine's Day with your littles. Having full hearts as we tuck them into bed and giggling while they splash in the tub! Today we have been running birthday errands and we also had some fun in the tub with finger paints making our own Thank You cards for our little ones second birthday! He had a blast and had a colorful shower after which is twice as fun :) hope ya'll have a great love day!!
ReplyDeleteThis Valentine's Day is the very first one with my twin boys so we opened up a little present I got them (a Valentine's book + "Love You" heart nightlight) + have been cuddling up together. Tonight when my hubby gets home we are getting a heart-shaped pizza from Papa Johns + curling up to watch a movie after the boys go down for a nap. :) Thanks for the chance to win a pair of moccs!!
ReplyDeleteFollowing :) awesome giveaway, thanks! We spent the morning snuggling in bed with our little and are headed to brunch. Nice and simple and carefree, just the way I like it.
ReplyDeleteI'm spending valentines day in Hawaii with my husband and 3 year old son! We are playing in the pool and beach and spending quality time together! Tonight we are going to enjoy a kid free dinner date! Happy love day to you and your fam! I would love to win some moccs I am pregnant with a girl and due in June and have been dying for a pair for her! :)
ReplyDeleteI spent Valentine's Day potty-training my daughter! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteTonight we are staying in! We will be snuggling up to a movie & take out & enjoying our fresh new little babe at home! :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I agreed not to get each other anything but he brought home a bouquet of flowers last night and said they were from my one year old son. We plan on just hanging out today the three of us running around town and going to eat. Happy love day!
ReplyDeleteMy Valentine's day is being spent with my sweet little (teething) princess! We are just enjoying a relaxing day filled with cuddles :) I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the day! Tonight we will take grandma out for dinner, just us gals ❤️
ReplyDeleteP.s I've been trying to score a pair of fp moccs for a long time! Crossing my fingers!!
Sounds like your night was perfect!! That sounds exactly like what we would do if we were home, but we thought we'd be spontaneous for once & are spending our weekend in Vegas. (Any excuse to get out of Provo, right?!) ;) keeping my fingers crossed for some Mocs!!! Love your cute blog!
ReplyDeleteWe are celebrating tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday with a trip to the Salty City :). Glad you guys got some time away too!
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love when your guy knows exactly what to get you, even if it's sometjing as simple as DP & chocolate! Sounds like you guys had a great time, can't go wrong with scandal! :)
ReplyDeleteToday I woke up to my favorite fruit bowl from Nekter, the most adorable plants from trader joes-picked out by each of my kiddos & the sweetest card from my guy! We are going to make the most of this beautiful day and head to the beach for a picnic! Happy Valentine's Day!
I am headed home on a mini road trip with my handsome husband and our baby boy and we have love song ballads blasting and lots of chocolates, coffee and valentine stuffed animals filling up our car! We may be on the road but we are in a love-mobile! :)
ReplyDeleteWe enjoyed TJ"s toasted coconut pancake mix and bacon this morning ( heavenly) and has a romantic dinner last night out on the town. I'm so glad brooks spoiled you!! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteGood day to you Mrs. Measom:) What a kind and giving heart you have for doing a giveaway on Valentine's Day:) I can share that on this day full of love, my Husband gave his family the best gift-- being an excellent husband and father. Our little boy and I have been horribly sick with fevers and the stomach flu. Husband did everything he could, every minute possible to try to get us back up to par. He even ran to the store last minute and bought us the supplies we need to get better. Best part, he snuck in a Valentine's teddy bear to celebrate our 4 month wedding anniversary. Husband is the best Valentine's gift I will ever receive because his love makes my life beautiful in so many precious ways. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Valentine's Day:)
ReplyDeleteGetting Pad Thai takeout and eating after the kids go to bed and playing cards and board games!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Kristy, you're the winner! Please email me at the size and color moccs you would like!
mrs measom
I've always wanted to order or make a heart shaped pizza for Valentine's Day so I am making pizzas for the family before me and the mister sneak away from our littles (1&3). We are headed to listen to a little live music downtown. Should be a fun night for everyone!
ReplyDeleteWe are keeping it simple with chocolate covered strawberries and home made pizza... Simple... Yet oh so sweet
ReplyDeleteOur valentines day consist of lots and lots of cuddles!! It's a snowstorm here so we have spent the day eating treats, steady stream of coffee and Disney movies for our little ❤️
ReplyDeleteI work at a cupcake shop on the weekends, so I just worked a 12 hour day! So busy! But I'm so excited for snuggles and chocolates in bed with my little babe and husband.
ReplyDeleteToday the hubs, babe and I spent the day in recuperating from a winter cold...the first one any of us has had in a long time. Crossing our fingers that tomorrow night we can celebrate our V-Day with a night out at a sweet little Italian bistro. Love the giveaway and love your blog!
ReplyDeleteWe celebrated a few days early with massages and a yummy dinner out, completed with vanilla ice cream cones. It was awesome..and rare since we don't get out much with our little man keeping us pretty busy! Happy Vday! :)
ReplyDeleteWith my husband being a chef, he is of course super busy at work every Valentines Day (& holiday for that matter). So it was me and our little guy today. We spent a majority of the day shopping for Dada some chocolates and goodies. We spent the other part of the day eating most of it before he even gets home. Haha. It's the thought that counts, right? Happy Valentines Day to you and your little fam! ♡
ReplyDeleteShared dinner w our little tonight and headed out for a date tomorrow. Love ur blog!
ReplyDeleteWe have been celebrating all month by making valentines (for school, for family and for friends), heart shaped cookies, rice crispy treats and lots of snuggles! My husbands work schedule is constantly changing so we have been trying to spend more time together in the mornings before he heads off to babysit some inmates.
ReplyDeleteThis time last year my husband was leaving for basic training for the Air Force, so this year he is making Valentine's Day (and my birthday, the 17th), super special. Last night he worked a night shift, and after getting off a 12 hour shift he came home, let me sleep in, and wore our one year old son in a ring sling and made me breakfast and coffee! And he had roses and chocolate waiting. While he slept today, he also had a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries and a card delivered. When he woke up we all went on a long walk before he had to go back to work. It seriously was the best Valentine's Day I've had. Romantic husbands are just the best, sounds like you have a keeper too!
ReplyDeleteOur Valentine's day was pretty low key! My husband got up with us and made a yummy breakfast. We exchanged cards and I got some delicious chocolate covered strawberries! Today was beyond amazing :)
ReplyDeleteI spent the day playing and having fun indoors (because of the cold and snow!) with my husband and two little ones!
ReplyDeleteI celebrated with my son at the park during the day and a date night that night with my hubby at The Chocate! It couldn't have been a more perfect day.
ReplyDeleteHad a nice dinner at home with my husband and 3mo old daughter!
ReplyDeleteI thought I commented on here yesterday, but now I don't see it:( my hubs took me out to a movie and Mexican food and we taught our little man to swing a baseball bat:) pretty top notch Valentine's Day <3
ReplyDeleteWe spent the day snuggling snacking and watching movies as a snow storm went on outside! A perfect day with my loves.
ReplyDeleteThank you to all who entered! I wish we could give a pair of moccs to each of you because I enjoyed reading all your comments. You all had such lovely ways of celebrating the love in your lives.
ReplyDeleteThe winner was "Kristy" and her comment can be seen up above. She was randomly selected.
Thank you again!
We had the best day celebrating Valentine's Day for the first time as a family of three! We all spent the day out and about together. We picked up coffee and dessert and wandered our way around the shops at our local marketplace. My husband wore our son in our Ergo carrier and they've never looked better! What a lovely day with my boys! 💕
ReplyDeleteMy husband surprised my by taking me paddleboarding at a nearby lake! (Our first time). We had a blast! My parents babysat our little girl, and it was nice to go on a date:) Then we had dinner with our whole family, and celebrated all the love in this world!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I spent the evening snuggling, watching Pitch Perfect, and eating pizza. It was perfect because we both has exhausting weeks at work and needed quality time to catch up and relax.
ReplyDeletewe spent the day doing a little trip down memory lane...going to all our favorite spots...ending in one particularly special spot where my husband read the song he wrote for me. (yes, read......ugh..he said he hasn't "figured out the chords completely yet") haha. but it was the sweetest, and i cried of course. and then that night we went to dinner with my sister and her boyfriend. it was great!