Dec 9, 2014

Eat a cupcake and relax.

photos by-lumi photo
 (click to be directly linked to items featured above)

With the craziness of past holidays, we decided to make this one a little more focused. We are hand making our decorations with the help of DC's godmother. She is a crafty woman that lady. We are also leaving our tree sans ornaments (gasp). Us Michigan Measoms wanted to remember the true meaning of our big Douglas furs smack in the middle of the living room, and really enjoy it for what it is.

While everyone around us seems to be "hustling and bustling" for the big day, we are hand writing cards, creating picture albums for the grandparents, and roasting marshmallows for s'mores. Not to mention, we have got some killer Christmas playlists going day and night.

I think this year we have finally figured out what it's all about, and luckily for us it includes cupcakes and hot chocolate. So take it slow this holiday season, and really just enjoy your December days. Smile at the people on the street, and say thank you at the post office. Let's bring the holiday spirit back into the holidays.

Thank y’all for reading, and don’t forget to subscribe to our emails (on the left sidebar), or follow along through bloglovin’ so you can get instant notification of new posts, and sneak peeks at the awesome collaborations & holiday giveaways coming soon!  



  1. Hi, I just have to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I just stumbled across it via instagram recently and have read the whole thing through. I am a 40 yr old mother of 3 kids, age 5, 10 and 13. It is refreshing to read about motherhood and being a young wife from a fresh perspective. Reading about teething and breastfeeding and sleeping made me realize that you forget all those details about raising kids after you are out of those stages. All you remember is the sweetness:)) So if that makes you feel any better, the hard, trying days will all be forgotten as you move into the different stages of childhood and into the teens. I appreciate how honest and "real" you are as well as your modest fashion sense! After watching one of your favourites videos, I went to Lush and to look for the Tarte brand. I only like to use natural and clean skin products and I did not realize these brands were so "clean", so thank you for bringing these to my attention. Keep up the great blogging :)
    Jillian from Canada

    1. Jillian,

      Your comment really touched my heart, and on such a hard day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

      It is so amazing to be able to connect with women in all stages, ages, trials, and countries by a bond and gift such as motherhood & womanhood.

      I don't claim to know it all, but I am so very blessed to have people say they get it, or have been there, or even a send me thank you for sharing such vulnerable moments.

      It is because of women like you that I keep sharing. You are an amazing woman Jillian.

      Hi to you from Michigan, Merry Holidays, and all my love.


  2. Awe, thank you for your response:) You have a gift for writing, so don't stop! I look forward to reading your blog now that I have found you! xo jb

    1. Jilly,

      Thank you so stinking much! You are such a sweet momma! I am so horned to have you following along, and even more flattered by your tender words!



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