Aug 6, 2014

Go green to save

dish soap (here) //  handsoap (here) //  dish drying rack (here

As many of you know, the Mister and I were able to relocate to Michigan recently. The move was rather expensive, and took quite a chunk out of our savings.

Although the move is still exciting, and we love where we are now, it was and is a little worrisome to look at the cost of living comparatively. Utah (which is where we moved from) had a lower living cost, so as a new little family with big dreams there is a lot to be saved.

We have a very ambitious goal on buying our very first home in a set time frame, with a set amount we are aiming towards for our downpayment, and since making these goals it has really lit the fire under my butt.

We started in the humblest of circumstance, the Mister and I. We were both full time students working entry level jobs when we got married, and later had our first baby. Oddly enough, we never went without, and we always had more than enough to enjoy our weekends with the leftover stash of cash we somehow managed to save.

Now, with our big boy pants on, and a real full time job, the Mister and I have been able to start planning for the "next step" in our lives, and we need to start saving wherever we can.

I have to admit I do need to tighten the reins on where I am spending our "extra" money because when you are saving for a home, there should be no such thing as extra. We like to strive to live a debt free life, and it is always better living in that manner. No worrying about the next "payment."

When we moved out to the mitten, the moving company wasn't allowed to pack any of our cleaning supplies, and so I had to restock. I found Meyer's soaps at Target, and fell in love. How is this related to saving for a home? I'm getting there, I promise.

So the other day my husband and I were talking about what we are doing individually and collaboratively to save. He said something that blew my mind. He told me that he was driving to and from work without running the air condition in his car (mind blown). I looked at him with my best "are you serious / wtf" face I could come up with, and almost laughed at him.

"Why would you do that?!" I demanded. That's so small and insignificant, in the grand scheme of all the ways to save money, is what was flashing in my mind. Then I realized after our discussion that he was literally doing everything he could to make our dream into a reality. Even driving himself in the middle of a hot humid Michigan summer without a single ounce of AC after he had worked hard to earn a good source of income to do so.  My husband is the kind of man who buys the generic brand of everything, and never spends a penny on himself. He is literally the most selfless man I know (and so frugal, cough-cough), and I need to be more like him.

So back to Meyer's, while rinsing the dishes one day after our conversation, I decided that I would hand wash all the dishes that I could get away with not using the machine on, and save there. I mean it smelt so dang good why not enjoy the aromatherapy, right? Of course its probably mere pennies a day that we are saving by this tiny effort, but it has humbled me, taught me to enjoy washing them, and after leaving a dish washing session I feel totally accomplished.

Maybe reverting back to how things were once done, like growing your own food, washing your own dishes, and making your own bread is something we can all look into. I know that since I have started doing these things I haven't just saved money, but i have also really helped my self esteem. Maybe the "instant" and faster lifestyle is taking away the simple pleasures. Could that be one of the reasons why the depression level is so high? Not feeling like we have really accomplished anything ourselves because everything is always done for us?

But, that's for another post!

ps - this is a quick shout out to everyone who has supported me via my etsy (here) and closet sale instagram (here). thank you so much for your love and help. every penny we earn is going straight into our first home fund, and it is because of you that we are that much closer. thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!

disclaimer- this is not a collaborated post, and as always thank you for supporting our family.



  1. i enjoy this post. grandpa (although filthy rich...) STILL won't put a dishwasher in his house. and at first i had no idea why...but maybe you're right. the other night we had dinner over at his house and i did all the dishes (a chore i 100% usually loath...i would rather clean bathrooms for days than do the's weird i know) but afterward...i realized it was kind of nice. i cleaned them and my mom dried them and put them away and we had a good solid chat while doing it. and i did feel pretty accomplished afterward. so i think you're on to something there....anyway.... good post!!

    1. Morgan,

      That solid chat is what I want to have with our children! Isn't it so nice? Those moments are kind of the silent treasures we miss with modern technology sometimes.


  2. I love Mrs. Meyers! I totally agree that little things can save. It's the combination of all the little things that make a difference in saving. We don't have cable TV or a land line. I don't purchase any subscription based products. Running machines like laundry at night save too.

    1. Majorie,

      You are a genius! No TV . . . that is something I want to do, but worry I will miss watching it at night to unwind with the Mister. What are your suggestions there?


  3. Oh my goodness, I adore you! I think about a simpler life so much and can not wait until I can make it more of a reality. I must admit, I love making my own bread- I hate scrubbing dishes! But I want to be able to instill all of that into my children. I want them to know something more than a electronic in their face. I don't use Meyers, I use Young Living since it's all purpose organic but I'm totally there with you on the aromatherapy! xo (@nicschumacher)

    1. Nicole,

      How sweet are you?! Making our own bread does take more time, but it just tastes so much better!

      I hope that one day I can wash the dishes with our littles while they dry or vice versa, keep the conversation flowing for the little time we have together before they're all grown!


  4. Hey! I love Mrs. Meyer's products and as a new homeowner I definitely understand the idea of pinching pennies wherever possible. I read somewhere, though, that it is actually more efficient in terms of water use to use a dishwasher! I found this site that has some interesting info, thought you might be interested. After reading this post a while ago I actually started driving with windows open instead of A/C lol. It was tough on summer days, but I really did notice a difference in how often I was getting gas! So thanks for that idea!

    1. Jessie,

      Thank you so much for letting me know about saving on the water! Whoops! Good to know, and so helpful. Is it weird that I kind of like washing them by hand now?

      xo & congrats on your new home!


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