May 22, 2014


There will always be a sweet spot in my heart for Utah (never thought I'd hear myself say that).

My love hate relationship with Utah started my freshmen year of college. I packed up my little car, and drove all the way across the county. Pulling up to the space I would live in for the next year, I parked my car in the driveway, looked out the driver side window and smiled. With all the possibilities of what would come. There was this swing under a huge tree at the apartment I lived at that year, where I would go sit at during the cool summer's night and wonder what my friends would be like, what guy I would end up dating, how my classes would be. It was all just an adventure waiting to be unfolded, and a dream I felt I had waited for my whole life. This was my time. 

Sure things were hard at the start. I started to resent Utah on the days I was unbearably homesick, or blamed the whole state for any misfortune that I found, but that was the teenage drama queen in me, which thankfully I grew out of my junior year.

I have some fond memories of sorority life, some bittersweet reminders of end of fall semester final study sessions at the library, and remember acing my first year with pride. Although the best part of my college and Utah stint, didn't come until I met the guy I now call my Mister.

In this very state I met my prince charming. Where we dated and fell in love over taco truck tacos, softball games, and General Conference sessions. We were sealed for time and all eternity in one of the most beautiful places on earth. We made a little in this state. Brought his sweet life into the world here. In this very place our son grew from a pea to a toddler, and man what a wonderful place it was to be the background, the setting, and the place for the most beautiful moments of my life.

Thank you, Utah. It's been real.

cropped pants // tee // sneaks 


  1. Such a beautiful home !!! We too just moved out of our home but we are still staying in the same state. But a new home will be quite the adventure for us as well. Congrats on the move and enjoy making new memories in your new home.

    Jocelyn @PrettyLuckyMama

  2. Such a beautiful home !!! We too just moved out of our home but we are still staying in the same state. But a new home will be quite the adventure for us as well. Congrats on the move and enjoy making new memories in your new home.

    Jocelyn @Prettyluckymama

  3. you're the cutest! And I nominated you for a liebster award. :) Check out my blog for details. Love you!


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