Oct 21, 2013

I am so comfortable being "that mom."

** Yes, I am "that mom" in leggings & Uggs. Judge me all you want, but I am comfy as hay! **

I guess as I am growing slowly more comfortable with my bod (because I am also ever sooo slowly losing more of that baby weight) this mommy is becoming more confident in what she wears, and not caring what others think about her momma wardrobe. But for the record,  I am not yet back to being even remotely confident with how my post baby body looks sans clothes. 

You should know, I did put some thought into this outfit (it wasn't totally mindless) , and I figured, let's put away all the makeup and fancy outfits, and be real. #imamom after all, and this blog is about being true to myself, so here is me in my truest form. Comfy and running around all over the place. 

This is what I wear when I run to the grocery store to pick up some of those fresh pomegranates I waited all year for. Here is what I throw on when we are getting a new boiler, and I have to go to Starbucks to pee. Here is me when I can't shower or brush because we have no running water until 5, when the boiler is done. This is also what I wear on my morning walks with my babe. If there is any outfit you guys should ever be shown, it shouldn't be one I just take pictures in. 

Cheers, to my sweater, leggings, Uggs, and wayyy too big for me button up. I wear something similar to this practically every #imamommonday, as Mondays tend to be my errand days. I love that it is cool enough in the fall to be able to throw this baby on. Side note, I think little DC loves the taste of this lime green sweater, as he can't seem to keep his drawl off of it. All the more reason to not get all fancied up.

It might not be the most stylish of outfits, but it helps me to be a nursing momma, a comfy, playing with my son, kinda gal, and a busy bee combo. All that is really missing is a top knot, but after you spent hours blow drying your hair the day before, that top knot better wait for three day hair! I like days like these, where I can just be me, and my clothes are the accessory, not the other way around! 


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