Apr 13, 2017

Mom Moment

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I drove to Target this week, and when we arrived I thought, "Crap! I left the garage open!" just as I was loading the kids into the cart. So we loaded back up into the car, and drove the twenty minutes back home. Forty minutes in the car later, we got home and, well, the garage was closed!

I was a little upset with myself when I saw that I had in fact closed it. Then, something incredible happened. My son said, "Yay! Good job mom you did close it! No one could steal our stuff!"

It was such a good reminder for me to see those glasses half-full and not half-empty. Funny thing, as my son grows, I swear he is teaching me just as much, if not more, than I am teaching him.

What a blessing he is in my life, and how amazing he is to remind me to take life a little slower, a little less serious, and to recognize the blessings of each day.

Love that kid!

Cheers, and don't forget to subscribe to our emails in the top right toolbar, and comment down below about what lessons your kiddos have taught you! #KidsSayTheDarnestThings


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