So this past week I was involved in one of the most wonderful experiences.
I am an Alpha Phi, and was selected to go to the 2012 ELI conference.
Alpha Phi's {emerging leaders institute} empowers women across
{all of North America} to be great, strong, {empowered} leaders.
We learned so much over the course of 5 days, while making lifetime friends.
It was such an wonderful experience.
With 50 some odd girls {from literally all over} piled into the Indiana, Butler University, Alpha Phi sorority house, we all developed a closeness that will be unbreakable.
It was the 12 hour days, 5 days a week, facilitators, & curriculum that taught us great things, both about ourselves & about leadership.
Real sisterhood is what we preach {as Alpha Phis}, & girls that is all there was in that house.
No drama, no hate, no judgement, there was just the love & welcoming hearts of sisterhood.
Overall it was . . . AMAZING, & if I was given the opportunity to go again, I would in a flash.
soon to be mrs measom
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